• On Writing,  publishing

    The New World of Publishing: The Learning Must Continue

    Strange world we live in these days. I have run across a number of writers lately that think they have this all down, that they know what they are doing, and they are happy with their sales. And some of them should be, I grant that. But thinking they know what they are doing just sort of makes me laugh. The one thing that is an absolute in publishing and the art of storytelling is that the learning never stops. It’s not even a rule. It’s just a fact. So for a post here, I thought I would tell a story about myself and my golf days that will illustrate…

  • Killing the Sacred Cows of Publishing,  On Writing,  publishing

    Killing Even More Sacred Cows of Publishing: #1… Novels Must Be A Certain Length

    Here we go… Book three in this series. Book one was KILLING THE TOP TEN SACRED COWS OF PUBLISHING. Book two was KILLING THE TOP TEN SACRED COWS OF INDIE PUBLISHING. Both books are available everywhere in electronic, paper, and soon audio. What I call a “Sacred Cow” is basically a myth spread around publishing like the truth. Myths such as “rewriting must be done for every story.” Myths such as “you need an agent to sell a book,” or “sell a book to a different country.” And so on. You can either buy the first two books to get all twenty of the Sacred Cows, or just click on the tab…