• Killing the Sacred Cows of Publishing,  On Writing,  publishing

    Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing: #5… Book as Event

    Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing will be out later this fall with an introduction. And then it will be followed by a book called Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing. But first I wanted to put each myth or “Sacred Cow” up here again as I promised. — The myth of Book as Event, put as clearly as I can. Myth: All books need to be events, need to be something special. Hogwash, of course. All books must be written as well as the author can write the book, but just because the author spent blood and sweat on the book, or the author wrote it…

  • Killing the Sacred Cows of Publishing,  On Writing,  publishing

    Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing: #4… You Need an Agent to Sell a Book

    This series of posts will turn into a book called Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing later this fall with an introduction. And then it will be followed by a book called Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing. But first I wanted to put each myth or “Sacred Cow” up here again as I promised. This fourth Sacred Cow article (topic) was published here in 2009. Wow, has the world changed since 2009. Indie publishing was only a glimmer then and traditional publishing was turning ugly, so ugly that at that point, I was about ready to walk away completely and go back to playing…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    Writing in Public: Month One Summary: August, 2013

    Month #1 Summary of this Writing in Public challenge. August, 2013 Well, that was interesting for me in more ways than one. First, when I knew I was going to have to give a general summary of the day here, I was conscious of what I was doing most of the time. It didn’t change my behavior in any real way, but I was aware of it more instead of just moving through the day. I also became aware that the stuff I do outside of writing, from the publishing, to the workshops, to sitting in meetings, to working on collectables and other things, takes up about 50-60 hours per week…