Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Novel Two: Day Three

Pacing and Resting…

(As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.)

The Day Went Like This…

Got my 12,000 steps a day back on track today. And did a ton of email and workshop stuff, including getting half of the July workshops started. So eyes were tired, so I decided to go easy on the word count today.

It’s called pacing. These two days with all the workshop assignments make it tough for me to not only read challenge stories but to write my own stuff. And I honestly don’t mind because I’m learning from the workshops.

So I knew after a full week, I would be a little more tired today on the writing. Yesterday on the legs, today on the eyes. And I took two naps to rest them.

So instead of pushing, I set a goal tonight for half of my desired amount. And hit that in three sessions. I feel I am solidly on track.

3,200 words in 3 sessions. 


Novel #1…The Writing of TOMBSTONE CANYON: A Thunder Mountain Novel

 Challenge Day 1… Words written… 6,600.  Total so far… 6,600 words.
Challenge Day 2… Words written… 6,700.  Total so far… 13,300 words.
Challenge Day 3… Words written… 6,100.  Total so far… 19,400 words.
Challenge Day 4… Words written… 6,200.  Total so far… 25,600 words.
Challenge Day 5… Words written… 6,200.  Total so far…, 31,800 words.
Challenge Day 6… Words written… 6,100.  Total so far…, 37,900 words.
Challenge Day 7… Words written… 3,200.  Final Total…, 41,100 words. (Novel count is 38,000)


Challenge Novel #2


Novel #2…The Writing of DEATH TAKES A DIAMOND: A Mary Jo Assassin Novel

 Challenge Day 8… Words written… 6,400.  Total so far… 6,400 words.
 Challenge Day 9… Words written… 6,100.  Total so far… 12,500 words.
 Challenge Day 10… Words written… 3,200.  Total so far… 15,700 words.

The Day Breakdown

3 hours writing… 3,200 words
2 hours exercise plus normal movement… 12,300 steps
7 hours of work for workshops and meetings and such.

The rest television, cooking dinner, and so on. Plus 8 hours of sleep. Two 10 minute naps.


Days over 6,000 words… 8 of 10
Days over 11,000 steps… 9 of 10
Days over 12,000 steps… 2 of 3
19 hours of regular job work this week


Tracking Word Counts… July 10th, 2017
Writing in Public blog streak… Day 1,391

— Daily Fiction: 3,200 original words. Fiction month-to-date: 56,800 words  
— Nonfiction: 00 new words. Nonfiction month-to-date total: 00 words
— Blog Posts: 1,200 new words. Blog month-to-date word count: 4,800 words
— E-mail: 52 e-mails.  Approx. 4,800 original words.  E-mails month-to date: 305 e-mails. Approx. 19,300 words



All have openings at the moment. Information at

Any questions at all, feel free to write me. And if you are confused as to which workshop to take first, we have a full curriculum posted on its own page.

Class #1… July 11th … Depth #3: Research
Class #2… July 11th … Author Voice
Class #3… July 11th … Business
Class #4… July 11th … Endings
Class #5… July 11th … Writing Fiction Sales Copy
Class #6… July 11th … Writing and Selling Short Stories
Class #7… July 12th … Depth in Writing
Class #8… July 12th … Advanced Character and Dialog
Class #9… July 12th … Cliffhangers
Class #10… July 12th … Pacing Your Novel
Class #11… July 12th … How to Edit Your Own Work
Class #12… July 12th … Writing Fantasy


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  • J.M. Ney-Grimm

    I love seeing that you take care of your physical being, even in the midst of a challenge. This description of how you pace yourself – with the exercise, with the writing – is perfect. I have a regrettable tendency to skip meals and to forget to drink water when I’m really engrossed in a project. You’re an excellent role model!

    • dwsmith

      That way is always burnout. Sadly, I learned that lesson the hard way, even more sadly, more than once. (grin)

      • J.M. Ney-Grimm

        I believe you! I do fight my tendency toward physical self-neglect, and often win. But I have to be very vigilant. Whenever I slip, I find myself saying, “Whups! It’s dinner time, except that I never got lunch!” Seeing good role models like you helps me remember.

        • dwsmith

          Got to stand up every hour as well, move around. Lots of tea and water while writing help with that. (grin)

          • J.M. Ney-Grimm

            Yes, I need to work on that as well.

            I’m good about eating healthily and about getting to the gym regularly to lift weights and swim.

            It’s the short interval stuff – like drinking water, eating, and getting up to move around – that’s challenging for me, because I get so immersed in the story that I just don’t realize how much time has passed.