Challenge,  workshops

Feels Great!

Workshop Going On Here…

Can’t begin to say how fantastic if feels after two long years to have an in-person workshop going on here in town again. And having writing discussions in person with other writers.

Just smiling.

Kris is teaching this one and will teach one in July and then I get to teach one in September and November. So super fun.

And next week is the Licensing Expo. Later this week on the Master Class, I will put up more information for those coming about the WMG Suite and how to even begin to deal with the Expo.

Those are going to be fun days as well, with lots of dinners and discussions about the future of writing and licensing in the WMG Suite every night. I think after these two weeks, and not doing this for a few years, I am going to be tired. (grin)

I will be adding more to the Master Business Class after the Licensing Expo, including a bunch of stuff there and in the Licensing workshop about what we learned at the Expo and where some things in the future are headed. Already a lot there, but more advanced stuff still coming. I will add more through June. Taxes, accounting, corporations, stuff like that which we always used to deal with right near the end of the in-person master class.

And maybe, just maybe, we can get back to some of the Decade Ahead class, although at this point, I am going to feel more comfortable just starting over once again in 2023. Damned if Kris and I can still get a solid read on things in publishing. This pandemic just tossed a giant wrench into the machine. The Expo will help, seeing if B&N survives the year, things like that will help. So hang on there.

And no, don’t ask, we will never do another in-person master business class. We won’t do another online either, but we will leave the one there up.

So back to enjoying having writers in town once again. And I have a few conferences planned to travel to this coming year, not counting the Writers of the Future event again next April, since I am the book editor now. (grin) Finally some stuff to really look forward to. Back to living.