Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Holiday Monday

No Real Holiday, Just Same Old

Started the day off by walking out to the south store. A little over two miles is all and a nice walk. I wanted to see how my knee did on hills and it was fine. I can still feel it a little, but not too bad, so on the mend.

Our van was at the south store since Billy and Cameron had used it for to haul stuff to a swap meet. I went from there to pick up our north store manager, Josh, and we went and got a new display case I had bought for the north store.

Then I stayed at WMG and worked on workshop stuff until late, home to cook dinner and do workshop stuff, then I spent some time with the new cats, who are doing great as well.

I managed only one session on the novel tonight for 1,100. I feel like I have been working on this book forever. Not like me at all.



All have openings at the moment. Information at

Any questions at all, feel free to write me. And if you are confused as to which workshop to take first, we have a full curriculum posted on its own page.

Class #51… June 6th … How to Edit Your Own Work
Class #52… June 6th … Point of View
Class #53… June 6th … Writing Mysteries
Class #54… June 6th … Speed
Class #55… June 6th … Teams in Fiction
Class #56… June 7th … Depth in Writing
Class #57… June 7th … Expectations (Writing on the Rails)
Class #58… June 7th … Character Development
Class #59… June 7th … Writing Secondary Plot Lines
Class #60… June 7th … Advanced Depth

Tracking Running… May 29th, 2017
4 miles. (no miles running… still resting knee.)
Weight 193. (Goal 170)
Month to date distance: 123.5 miles

Tracking Word Counts… May 29th, 2017
Totals For Year 4, Month 10, Day 29 (Year started August)
Writing in Public blog streak… Day 1,348

— Daily Fiction: 1,100 original words. Fiction month-to-date: 23,100 words  
— Nonfiction: 00 new words. Nonfiction month-to-date total: 2,200 words 
— Blog Posts: 400 new words. Blog month-to-date word count: 15,200 words
— E-mail: 31 e-mails.  Approx. 2,200 original words.  E-mails month-to date: 706 e-mails. Approx. 43,500 words
— Short Fiction Goal: 120 stories (July 1st to June 30th). Stories to date: 38 stories.
— Novel Goal: 12 Novels. Novels finished to date: 5 novels.


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