Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Licensing Transition and August Workshops

Some New Stuff Up…

Including a Pop-Up on how to make publishing and submitting short fiction fun. All the Pop-Ups are still available, without the short story, in the Pop-Up bundles.

But first I wanted to say that in the Licensing Transition, which will be going on all year, there are two new videos tonight, making it five so far, and that is just gaining speed. A bunch more by the end of the first month.

Also, on the Las Vegas front, the Business Master Class still has some openings. It will be in October here in Las Vegas and you can write me for information. Going to be a firehose of information, including some special stuff involving the licensing sides of this business. Just three months away.

And lastly, all of the August regular workshops are up and now available. And that includes the new workshop ATTITUDE. Some of you asked for it, here it is. Be afraid, be very afraid. (grin)

The Lifetime Subscribers already have it in your subscription, which brings the total value of that subscription to over $17,000 in workshops. Wow.

So August workshops, including the new workshop Attitude, a new Pop-Up on publishing short fiction, the Master Business Class in October has openings, and the Licensing Transition has new videos.

Wow, what a day to start a week. Take a look on Teachable.