Challenge,  publishing

Mentor Focus Media Kits…

This Is Part of the General Mentor Focus Program…

A couple days ago I outlined that we will be glad to help people (for a $500 fee) on a focused area that we feel we can help them with. It will come through me, but will be me and Kris and Allyson and Gwyneth pooling knowledge at times. We are calling it the Mentor Focus Program. You decide what you would like help with and if we can help you, we will do so.

So today, Kris and I and Allyson on a video chat ran with an Allyson idea on something we could really help writers with in general to help book sales overall.

We call it a “Media Kit.”

But not like you would see in the 1990s, which a lot of writers are still using and are pretty much useless.

What we mean by a Media Kit is getting together everything, and we do mean everything, you will need for any kind of promotion or media that comes along for a book. Have it all ready and organized. And keep it organized as the book makes its first run in the world. We would help the writer do one in the Focused Mentor Program, and the knowledge can then be used for other major books.

We do this for all our major new books. Here is some of what it includes:

— Images (including having covers and ads all sized ahead of time for each media platform. You would be surprised at how many there are.)

— Blogs and articles (for all platforms)

— Sales focuses and plans (like Bookbubs and what we call Bookbub lights (all the other platforms that imitate Bookbub… we never really stop submitting books to Bookbub).

— Ads and Ad copy (Again for varied different platforms.)

— Tag lines (and hype… lots of hype. something most authors have a horrid time with)

— Review Quotes (from any source… never know when they will come in handy, but you have to know when a quote will help or when it will hurt.)

— Videos (including YouTube and other videos for ads)

— Other visuals

— Research on other similar books (for ads and other forms of promotion)

— Marketing plans

— Likely extra sales plans (Includes bundles (we do this a lot in a lot of ways that will surprise you), kickstarters, and other stuff)

— And more…

That is what we call a Media Kit. Not outward facing as a whole. Totally an organized kit of everything at our fingertips we need to promote a book in this new world.

Every writer should have all this organized and ready to go for every major book they want to sell. 

Also, once organized and in place, when a book needs renewing, it is easy to update and push forward again. And use some of the information for later series books. All the information is there.

In the Mentor Focused Program, we will not do the work for you, but will guide you through each step to build a Media Kit for a recent book. Again, so you can do it again going forward with new books.

This is only one area in the Mentor Focused Program. But we thought it was a good one, and to be honest, I knew we were doing a lot of this, but until the conversation with Allyson today, I didn’t realize we were putting all this together for every new major book. And that we could help other writers do it to increase sales and other income sources from your writing.

Just write me if you are interested in this or any other area that would be right to have a Mentor Focus on. I’ll tell you if it is possible or not and what the next steps are.